Deadpool 2 Actress Zazie Beetz On The Death Of Domino Stuntwoman

Last year, Deadpool 2's production suffered a tragedy when stunt person Joi Harris met an accident and passed away while filming a scene for 20th Century Fox's sequel to the R-rated X-Men standalone Deadpool movie.

Harris was doing a motorcycle stunt as the double for Domino star Zazie Beetz when the motorcycle she was riding struck the concrete sidewalk curb, throwing her off the vehicle and into the plate glass window of a building.

It was a terrible incident, and according to Beetz everyone who was part of filming the scene felt affected by her passing.

"It was her first day on set and nobody really knows what happened," the Deadpool 2 star said in an interview with Entertainment Weekly. "People were very, very affected by it — especially the stunt team, whom I'd worked a lot with. They were very upset by it because they want to protect the people that they're working with. And in this case, that didn't happen. It was a really sad time."

Though Beetz didn't personally know Hariss, she still hopes that people remember the motorcycle racer's legacy.

"I felt like she was part of the Domino team and story," the actress opened up. "I hope people continue to remember her as someone who really pushed a lot of boundaries — being the first black woman to be professionally engaged in motorcycle racing. I hope that's her legacy."

It's such a terrible thing to lose such an amazing person on her first day of filming on Deadpool 2. We hope that the production finds a way to remember and honor her in the Deadpool sequel.

Deadpool 2 makes its big premiere on May 18.

Read: Ryan Reynolds Teases Brutal Death in Deadpool 2

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