Everything is possible in anime, including characters designed with only one eye. While some anime characters like to hide their other eye with an eyepatch or their hair, there are cyclops anime characters like Demon Slayer’s Upper Moon 4 Nakime who truly have a single eye.
From Monster Musume’s Manako to Monster Girl Doctor’s Meme Redon, here are the most peculiar cyclops anime characters that will surely remind you of Nakime from Demon Slayer!
Monster Musume: Manako
Meet Manako, a member of MON, an elite team of monster girls tasked with resolving interspecies conflicts to keep humans and non-humans at peace.
As part of MON, Manako serves as the squad's sniper or sharpshooter, able to target her opponents with pinpoint accuracy.
Her most defining feature is none other than her single large eye, which is both a source of her sharpshooting abilities and also her insecurities.
While she has a distinctive physical trait, Manako’s appearance makes her uncomfortable in front of humans, contributing to the themes the anime explores, such as self-worth, acceptance, and embracing one’s differences.
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Interspecies Reviewers: Eyesha
Eyesha, or Aisha, is a cyclops that contributes to the show’s exploration of interspecies relationships and sexuality. She adds a fresh perspective to the broad range of characters, providing both humor and depth to the story.
Eyesha is known for her small single-eye and voluptuous figure, but she also has many insecurities.
She was frequently bullied because of her appearance, which resulted in her poor performance in the brothel, but not until Stunk's shocking review of her went public.
Now, Eyesha's popularity continues to rise as more clients come to find her in the brothel.
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Monster Girl Doctor: Meme Redon
Similar to the other cyclops anime characters on our list, Meme Redon of Monster Girl Doctor has a very pessimistic attitude toward her appearance.
She believes that she has no redeeming qualities and that no one would want to be with her due to her ugly face.
She is a tough nut to crack, and it would take a long time before someone could earn Meme Redon’s trust. Instead of allowing others to know her, she thinks they have an ulterior motive behind their kindness toward her.
Meme Redon likes to wear Gothic Lolita clothes, but she only keeps them to herself to avoid embarrassing and awkward situations.
WorldEnd: Margomedari Brompton
Who would have imagined a huge cyclops could be an honorable doctor? Dr. Margomedari Brompton is well-known in WorldEnd as the official doctor of the Fairy Warehouse's Leprechauns.
He is frequently seen wearing a typical doctor's white lab coat and black slacks when conducting his duties on Island 68. He is primarily in charge of assigning and calibrating leprechauns' dug weapons.
Furthermore, he is aware of the health difficulties that leprechauns might face throughout their lives, such as mental encroachment.
When it comes to a leprechaun's physiology, Dr. Margomedari Brompton is the guy to ask!
Plus-Sized Elf: Hitome
Plus-Sized Elf is an upcoming comedy, fantasy, and ecchi anime that also features a cyclops character. She is none other than Hitome, who has a massive build and a huge heart.
She is considered one of the bigger characters in the series, despite not having any legitimate muscle definition like the other characters.
She can manipulate her size, though, as she can shift from her natural giant size to a smaller human-like build.
Interestingly, Hitome is terrified of thunder, contrary to the traditional cyclops who created thunder and lightning in Greek mythology.
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