Capitol Hill Lawmakers Advised to Greet with Star Trek Salute to Avoid Coronavirus

It looks like lawmakers on Capitol Hill are turning to Star Trek to deal with the COVID-19 Pandemic.

The novel coronavirus has been rapidly spreading around the globe, and now that the outbreak has climbed to more than 118,000 cases, lawmakers have begun gathering to discuss the disease in meetings. Running the risk of acquiring COVID-19 themselves as they attend state events, lawmakers on Capitol Hill have been advised on how to avoid possible coronavirus contamination.

According to a report by CNN, House members held a closed-dour meeting on Tuesday morning to receive advice on how to interact with others and with the public in the light of the COVID-19 pandemic. Surprisingly, the physician attending the meeting advised House members to avoid touching hands during personal greetings, suggesting that lawmakers use Star Trek's "live long and prosper sign" instead.

Pop culture fans all know the Star Trek salute. The phrase and v-signed hand gesture is a Vulcan salutation popularized by the original Star Trek series. The salute which is described as a "double-fingered version of Churchills' victory" sign was devised by original Spock actor, Leonard Niomy and has become one of the most popular form of pop culture greeting.

It's interesting to see the House turn to Star Trek as a response to coronavirus. Then again, the Vulcan salute is an effective way of greeting people without risking the spread and contamination of COVID-19. Perhaps the public could use the Spock Salute too.

The latest Star Trek series, Picard, airs Thursdays on CBS All Acess.
Read: Star Trek: Picard Showrunner Explains Why a Classic Character Was Killed Off

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