Brooklyn Nine-Nine is a police procedural comedy series that follows seven NYPD detectives who are adjusting to life under a new commanding officer, Captain Holt. The Golden Globe-winning comedy series ran for eight seasons and had five Thanksgiving episodes. Here are all the Brooklyn Nine-Nine Thanksgiving episodes in order:
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All Brooklyn Nine-Nine Thanksgiving Episodes in Order
You can watch all Brooklyn Nine-Nine episodes in release order. Here are all the Brooklyn Nine-Nine Thanksgiving episodes in order:
- Season 1, Episode 10: Thanksgiving (November 26, 2013)
- Season 2, Episode 7: Lockdown (November 16, 2014)
- Season 3, Episode 8: Ava (November 22, 2015)
- Season 4, Episode 7: Mr. Santiago (November 22, 2016)
- Season 5, Episode 7: Two Turkeys (November 21, 2017)
Thanksgiving (Season 1, Episode 10)
This is the very first Thanksgiving episode of Brooklyn Nine-Nine. In this episode, Amy hosts a Thanksgiving dinner at her apartment. Her primary purpose was to get closer to Holt and ask him to be her mentor. But the problem is that Amy can’t cook, and later on, everything turns into a disaster.
Lockdown (Season 2, Episode 7)
In this episode, Holt and Terry have to leave the precinct on Thanksgiving Day, so Jake is placed in charge. The precinct is placed on lockdown when they discover a package filled with white powder. Jake is suddenly given a lot of responsibilities, and Amy is less confident, as things get out of control.
Ava (Season 3, Episode 8)
Terry has to solve a murder case, so he leaves Jake in charge of entertaining Sharon, his pregnant wife. Her water breaks sooner than expected, and so Jake tries to solve the problem without going to the hospital, under Sharon’s request.
Meanwhile, the internet is down at the precinct, so everyone must find a way to finish their work by the end of the day. We also learn about Holt’s past, as he is forced to confront his ex-boyfriend, Frederick.
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Mr. Santiago (Season 4, Episode 7)
In Mr. Santiago, Amy is hosting Thanksgiving, and she invited her father Victor, a retired cop. Jake prepares to impress Amy’s father by researching his likes and dislikes and compiling them in a binder.
However, Victor also has a binder with Jake’s data and thinks that he is not right for Amy. Later on, they work together to solve an old case.
Two Turkeys (Season 5, Episode 7)
Two Turkeys is the last Thanksgiving episode of the series. In this episode, Jake and Amy bring their parents together for Thanksgiving, but things do not go as planned. Meanwhile, Holt’s special Thanksgiving pie goes missing, so he launches an investigation to find out who the culprit is.
You can check here for where you can watch and stream all seasons of Brooklyn Nine-Nine!
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