Book Review: Trinity's Convergence by John Beachem

Book Review: Trinity's Convergence by John Beachem
9 out of 10

Trinity’s Convergence is a post-apocalyptic fantasy book written by John Beachem. The story revolves around the three protagonists: Miryam, a Kareeshian merchant who has a way of selling her products’ story to customers; Ethannia, a member of the Onyx clan who goes great lengths to find a friend; and Leeset, a child of a Moon Child leader who is out to seek justice for the death of her special companion. It is set in a world where there are rules and magic. However, the fate of their world relies on the fulfillment of certain fortune in a poem that was written before Flame.

Beachem created a world that is only governed by rules of survival. There are three kingdoms: Kareeshia, Ikthul, and Arthenus. Within those kingdoms, there are a lot of clans formed resulting in a clash of beliefs and conflicts. With a promising storyline and a no-holds-barred exposition, Trinity’s Convergence lures readers in, seducing them to explore the dark and exciting tale of this world has to offer.

The primary conflict in Trinity's Convergence essentially revolves around two events: Miryam's defense of the stuttering, nebbish scholar, Bertram; and the ongoing conflict between the clans of Leeset and Ethannia. When Miryam protects Bertram from Leeset and her people, it draws them into the clans' feud,” the author said in an interview. This book shines in building up its tension, setting up twists, and character development.

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Image: Miryam

The three female lead characters are badass. They are all witty, dauntless, and altruistic. At the same time, their motivations and beliefs created this wonderful dynamic among them. The first ambush involving the three is enthralling. Leeset, Ethannia, and Miryam are always on the move. Each is very quick-witted and none seems to be a deer in the headlights when in peril. Readers might find themselves on the edge of their seats with well-written and adrenaline-inducing action sequences. 

The author created such complexities for the characters. You understand where the characters’ motivation is coming from because of their backstories and what they think is right. Those are expertly told within the conversations or thoughts of the characters. In that way, readers have room to take in some new information. At the same time, they can connect it to the information told before. That’s what we call an effective world-building.

“She did not move deftly, nimbly or agilely. She moved with blunt, forceful purpose, and the crowd parted before her wrath. A glance up at the clouds showed that the sky had lightened just a bit, the sun on the rise and the clouds that had begun to form hours prior deciding today was not their day.”

The description of the action is vivid enough that you can picture it. Beachem has a way of writing how the people move in his story. He captured how subtle or harsh a movement is. His way of telling certain scenes are enticing, making the readers want more out of the story.

“Rather than the feeling of steel slicing through her neck, a scream of rage shattered the moment. Something rammed into the woman who had beaten the life out of her, and she could just see Miryam, swinging her arm at the crazed Moon Child.”

Bertram’s character is annoying. True enough, Miryam’s reluctance of giving him up to Onyx clan and the Moon Children pushed the story forward. He took a while withholding some information about the prophecy and he does completely nothing when everything else is on the line. On the other hand, Leeset is a very intriguing developing character. She has this villainous brutish side which is fuelled by the death of Alexis. However, she still has this moral dilemma of killing people especially when it doesn’t need to be done. Her character has a lot of depth. She is impulsive but disciplined. The scene where she fights off a clanswoman is very well done. She had some flashbacks training with her father while she applies all she learned in an actual combat.

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Image: Leeset

It will be more compelling to explore the book’s world. A map would really help in visualizing its geography, like the at the beginning of The Game of Thrones. The creatures added to the lore. Beachem described them as if they leap off the pages. Here is a description of an utor:

Long necks twisted and writhed in the air, thick and powerful, but ending in a truly disturbing, deformed face -- squashed, like that of the tiny, yapping dog owned by Aridaios’s mate, Keena. Red, sinister eyes peered out from inside sunken sockets, and she could not bring herself to meet them when one of those necks wormed around to look at her.

The author also added, “The world is certainly not beyond saving, but the path ahead is treacherous at best. Everything depends on the choices these three women make: whom they trust, what they're willing to fight for, what they're willing to forgive, and to whom they're willing to listen.” The book stays true to that world. Beachem also emphasized the lack of rules that people need to abide. They only need to survive. We all know that the social structure without governing laws will turn out to be chaotic.

This post-apocalyptic fantasy novel tackles prejudice among groups, doing the right thing against being compassionate, and the concept of utilitarianism. This fictional story is grounded in realism, making the story a lot darker yet riveting. Can you really hold a person accountable based on his fellow’s actions? Will you share your resources with others in times of struggle? Will kill someone so he will not harm many people in the society?

Unlike most fantasy novels that glorify magic, Trinity’s Convergence has a very cynical view of it. It doesn’t shy away from discussing having too much magic and its consequences. Before the Flame, the people within the story neglected hard work. Why farm or fish when you can make food out of nothing? People became reliant on magic that they lost their discipline.

The three leads have equal opportunities to shine. I only wished that Miryam has an adventure on her own outside the Caravan or the Onyx clan. There’s something brooding between Leeset and Corrine. It can be a good setup for a Young Adult LGBT romance, which can be explored further.

My only issue with this book is its pacing. Towards the third act, the story dragged a bit. Two of the main characters took unnecessary detours, which did a little to the story. I kept on waiting again for the action to kick it up a notch. Ethannia’s detour will play a major part in the succeeding books.  I can’t also wait for the true power of the teshra to be unleashed. We got a glimpse of what it can do in this book and it’s already awesome.

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Image: Ethannia

In the end, it all boiled down to the two conflicts the author said. The two clashing clans still want Bertram and Miryam protecting him. The last part builds up to a suspenseful and thrilling climax. All leads to the fulfillment of the fortune in the poem. I feared that this book will be just a setup for the coming books. Boy! I was so wrong. The pieces of the puzzle fit together and we now have a complete picture of what the prophecy is all about, thanks to the knowledge of Moon Children and Bertram.

Trinity’s Convergence is a compelling read with a bunch of complex characters, intriguing plot, and well-crafted action sequences. This story reaches its crescendo in due time yet it deflates the tension with a satisfying ending and an anticipation for the next installment.


Read more:Interview with Author John Beachem

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