Book Review: 'Mythica: Genesis' by Scott Colley

Book Review: 'Mythica: Genesis' by Scott Colley
6 out of 10

Mythica: Genesis is high fantasy set in a world with elves, dwarves, trolls, orcs, gnome, goblins, and humans. It is epic in scope detailing the story of Lazarus, his brothers, and friends’ quest to find the Krullstone, their only hope in battling the demons. One of the most unique characters in Scott S. Coley’s tale is the orc commander Kairayn, whose outlook on events shows us both the arrogance of the orc race from a sympathetic character, and also provides a picture of another people that the demons will destroy if let loose upon the world. His conversations with his old friend the orc High Summoner Grubbash shows us that not all orcs are as short sighted as Grubbash, who risked calling the demons forth to gain power. His personal quest for the Krullstone is no less engaging than that of Lazarus. Another thing that was strong in this novel was the Elven trackers’ discovery of the plot to set up war between the Trolls and the Elves. This plan was already revealed, but the Elves see through the plot right away, but their people are left ignorant of the plot against them, due to the destruction of entire party in an epic scene of destruction, showing the true terror of the demons and their plan. I appreciated how the tone of the section set up the danger not only to the party, but the Elven people and subsequently the world.

“Tellyr sighed in resignation. What were they to do then? Trolls were a notoriously vindictive people, and once they discovered what they would consider unpardonable treachery by the Elves, they would gather their armies and march straight to war. Nothing the Elves said or did would stop them. The tentative peace between them had been shattered as surely as a crystal glass stepped on by a giant. “Call the others, Ferros. We’re leaving.” Tellyr walked briskly back into the trees. He had to get back to Elysium immediately and warn the king. Vayan, Ferros, and the others melted back into the trees with him in a loose group. War was coming. He had only gone a hundred yards into the trees when he heard the sound. It rose up out of the surrounding vegetation in a disembodied crashing of limbs and leaves. It seemed to come from everywhere and nowhere all at once.”

The theme of dealing with Fate runs throughout, as Lazarus attempts to thwart the certain deaths of his brothers. The conclusion of this theme is Fate cannot be overcome, but that sometimes the rules can be broken. The visions are those of a possible future, although Lazarus takes them to be certainties and his struggles with deceit and despair are a result of these conclusions. Another more subtle theme is the need for the races of their world to work together or fall apart. This is told through Queen Cailyn’s discussions with the Elves, Gnomes, and Dwarves. It won’t matter if they have the Krullstone if there is nothing left after the war the demons set in motion. The book is long, providing plenty of room for Coley to set up the conflict and show the journeys of the characters, but the writing is easy to follow. The battles are detailed, spanning pages allowing the reader to picture every move. If you are looking for a traditional fantasy world with detailed battles, quests that will save everything and a story about the triumph of humanity in the face of impossible odds, then this book is for you.

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