While the sequel trilogy movie has shown Kylo Ren's evil doings after he turned to the dark side, not much is known about how this came to be. The Rise of Kylo Ren comic series has been providing some more insight about his fall to the dark side, and in the fourth issue, he finally went full dark.
This article contains SPOILERS for Star Wars: The Rise of Kylo Ren #4.
In this issue, Ben Solo joins the Knights of Ren on a mission. While Ren was busy murdering the Mimban locals, Ben's friends, Voe and Tai, suddenly appeared. In an effort to make him come back, Tai, who Ben has a deep bond in the Force with, tried to approach him and use their shared sensitivity to try and make Ben admit that he still is an agent of the light side. Ben's hesitation and mercy for Tai just show how he'll never be able to turn to the dark side. So while Tai is pleading with Ben, Ren suddenly snaps Tai's neck using the Force.
Seeing his friend die in front of him certainly filled Ben with rage that'll finally be able to lure him to the dark side. The climax of the issue sees Ben unleashing his fury on Ren resulting in a fight, it was the perfect last push to really get him there. Kylo stabs Ren in the chest with his lightsaber but he wasn't finished yet.
Star Wars: The Rise Of Kylo Ren Issue Four Leaked Panel
He approaches Voe and tells her that she will never be a Jedi. Just as he stabbed Voe, Kylo asked her why she would even want to live.
Ben Solo kills Voe
Kylo's fate was sealed at that moment, showing just how far he's willing to go and how far he has fallen from the light side. While Ren wasn't present on the big screen, the character was certainly a huge part of Kylo's story, with his death marking Kylo's rise.
What are your thoughts on this issue? Tell us in the comments below!
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