The characters in Percy Jackson and the Olympians have their own weapons. In this explainer article, we'll be talking about the Backbiter sword in Percy Jackson and the Olympians that Luke Castellan owns.
This article may contain spoilers so if you haven't finished watching the series, feel free to skip this article. Here's what we know about the sword.
What is Backbiter Sword in Percy Jackson and the Olympians Made Of?
The Backbiter sword in Percy Jackson and the Olympians belongs to Luke Castellan (played by Charlie Bushnell). The sword is said to be a modified version of the Scythe, which is owned by Kronos.
This sword is a double-edged sword made from two metals. One side is made of celestial bronze, the other is tempered steel.
The reason why the sword is made as such is for a specific purpose. The steel side is capable of injuring mortals. Meanwhile, the celestial bronze side is meant to wound monsters and immortals.
The sword is also a long one, which is a foot longer than Percy's sword, which is only four feet long. It is also meant for close-range warfare and a sword duel.
Luke chose the name Backbiter for his sword since it is capable of hurting mortals and immortals. Since the sword was forged into a scythe shape, Kronos says that this can bite back the gods.
Interestingly, an avid fan of the books drew his imagining of Backbiter the Sword. Since the book described the sword as "glinting strangely," the fan switched up the bronze and gray metals depending on where the light hit it.
The fan also made a valid point since making the sword half bronze and half steel would make it "unbalanced and structurally weaker."
He makes a pretty valid point.
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Can Backbiter Open Portals?
One really neat quality about the Backbiter sword is that it is capable of "slashing" secret portals open.
This makes it a very dangerous sword, especially when it gets into the hands of people with negative intentions. But it is also extremely powerful.
In one of the books, Luke uses the sword to fight against Thalia at Mount Othrys. When Backbiter clashes with Thalia's Aegis, the sword creates explosive energy.
When Luke was defeated, the sword was melted and reforged back into Kronos' Scythe. When Kronos was also defeated, the Backbiter turned into molten metal in Hestia's hearth, where it continues to be.
This is probably why the Backbiter is the only sword that Percy Jackson fears. And that's pretty surprising, especially since Percy has several swords at his disposal.
But that's another explainer guide for another day.
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