Avengers Post-Credit Scene Almost Introduced New MCU Hero in 2012

There is little doubt that the first Avengers set the tone for the Marvel Cinematic Universe although it only featured a small number of characters teaming up together. However, it looked like the movie almost introduced a major superhero who will be getting an upcoming standalone film. Sadly, the introduction never made it into the final post-credits scene.

In the Avengers post-credits scene, the team finally took time to sit down and eat shawarma in Shawarma Palace while the crew cleaned up the partially destroyed store behind them. However, there were other plans for the scene as revealed by former Chinese-based DMG Entertainment Motion Picture Group president Chris Fenton.

According to Fenton, they were hoping to bring an Asian hero into the MCU flick as an effort to get Chinese audiences to watch the Hollywood blockbuster. He revealed the original plans with Tim Connors, former Chief Operating Officer of Marvel Studios in his new book Feeding the Dragon (via Bleeding Cool).

"There was some good news from Connors," I started. "Assuming we pony up more money, they did offer us the opportunity to create a teaser at the end of Avengers for the China market. That would give us a chance to tease a potential character, either The Mandarin or Shang-Chi. It's our decision as to which."

It is later revealed that there was much discussion about Shang-Chi's possible cameo in Avengers but it was ultimately scrapped as executives felt it would be a problematic move. Nevertheless, fans can rest assured that they can see the Marvel hero (as well as The Mandarin) in Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings.

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