Avengers Infinity War: Check Out Marvel Legends’ Amazing Infinity Gauntlet Replica

Hasbro has been outdoing themselves with the release of the replicas in their Marvel Legends toyline, and with the release of Avengers: Infinity War later this year, pictures have come out of their replica for Thanos' Infinity Gauntlet.

Check it out:

Via: MarvelousNews.com

It's not clear if the gauntlet is going to be articulated, but it does contain the completed Infinity Stones. They also have a light-up feature which I think is pretty cool.

The Gauntlet joins an impressive line of replicas that includes Iron Man's helmet, Captain America's shield, and Star-Lord's helmet. Hasbro has also been making some Star Wars pieces and we've gotten helmets for Kylo Ren, stormtroopers, and the new Resistance X-Wing pilots.

As a cosplayer, I think that it's impressive that Hasbro has been releasing these replicas. Sure they don't have the same movie quality to them, but give them a little customization and they can pass for some pretty sweet props. Imagine this gauntlet all shiny and chrome.

We have yet to see the completed Infinity Gauntlet in the trailers, but there's no way that Thanos is NOT going to get all the stones. It's just a matter of time when. I have a feeling he's still the main adversary for Avengers 4.

Catch the gauntlet in Avengers: Infinity War; in theaters May 4.

See Also: Leaked Avengers: Infinity War LEGO Sets Reveal Possible Spoilers

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