Avatar: The Last Airbender Live-Action Will Bring Back Original Actor To Reprise Role as Fan-Favorite Character

It looks like the most important character in the original Avatar: The Last Airbender series is finally coming to the Netflix show. The best part is, the beloved character will even be portrayed by the original actor from the animated series!

A new report from Avatar News confirms that James Sie is joining the cast of the Avatar: The Last Airbender live-action series. Sie isn't exactly a newcomer to the franchise: He portrayed the beloved minor character simply known as the cabbage merchant or "Cabbage Man" to fans.

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This is excellent news considering that Cabbage Man is the one character that people have been asking about since the Avatar: The Last Airbender live-action show was announced. It's also awesome to know that the cabbage merchant will be portrayed by the man who left a lasting impact on the fandom with the iconic line, "My cabbages!"

The announcement is also a welcome one because James Sie himself has admitted that he wants to play the live-action Cabbage Man in the Netflix show. “Of course, now I’m more at the age of what the cabbage merchant was then. I will cultivate that little beard if they need me to,” Sie told Slate in 2020. “And because my face is quite expressive, I’m perfect for a live-action version of an animated show. I’m ready.”

We're glad that Netflix agreed and we'll be seeing James Sie in the flesh as Cabbage Man in the series.

It was previously announced that Avatar: The Last Airbender is bringing in King Bumi, who first appeared in the episode The King of Omashu, which is also the same episode where Cabbage Man debuted. King Bumi will be played by Utkarsh Ambudkar who will be aged up through prosthetics for the role.

Related: Netflix's Avatar: The Last Airbender Series Reportedly Casts Free Guy Star as King Bumi