Final Fantasy XV’s Gladiolus DLC Provides a New Experience For Players

Most DLCs are created to bring a new experience into the fray. Whether it's providing more material to play with or extending the story, the experience gives a different for a progressing storyline.

Final Fantasy XV's latest DLC addition, Episode Gladiolus, developer Square Enix makes good on the promise of providing a new experience for players. In fact, the experience is extended in that it has a different take on how one goes about a mission. And this is thanks to the nuances that were tailored to personalize the experience with Gladio at the center of it.

US Gamer described the DLC as one that has all the features that fits Gladiolus's personality, but also integrates it into the franchise. For instance, there are a lot of demons and skeletons, Gladiolus has his own sexy "Rugged Attire" look, and even the soundtrack goes the rock direction that's perfect for the muscular inked man.

Perhaps one big change for those who are still on the fence with buying the DLC is that the gameplay approach is entirely different from how it was with Noctis in the driver's seat. Gladiolus's on-defense approach to battle makes him a defensive tank more than he is the jumper and warper that Noctis is.

What's more, there's an extra challenge of a set number of Potions and Phoenix Downs before the Gilgamesh fight, so the players will need to work in that balance somehow.

Perhaps the big downside for those who are looking for a whole lot more gameplay, this won't be the DLC that will satisfy. We'll have to see if Prompto's DLC will have more meat in terms of extending the franchise.

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