King Charles Trying Give the ‘Illusion of Continuity and Stability’? Prince William’s Father Clings to Tradition Amid Prince Harry, Meghan Markle Drama

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Credit: Today/YouTube Screenshot

King Charles has to face a number of problems after taking over the throne from his late mother, Queen Elizabeth. One royal expert claimed that His Majesty is facing a "tricky transitional period."

King Charles Clings To Tradition For Continuity And Stability?

American journalist, royal commentator and author Christopher Andersen weighed in on how things are going with the new king. According to him, he will continue Queen Elizabeth's practices, including the Christmas tradition in Sandringham, for a reason.

"To at least maintain the illusion of continuity and stability, Charles clings to tradition whenever he can," Andersen told

"Christmas at Sandringham is one of those traditions. The Queen's absence will be felt, without doubt, and in his annual Christmas speech Charles will pay fulsome tribute to the impact his mother made over her long reign."

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Prince Harry And Meghan Contributed To King Charles' Difficult Transition?

Aside from grieving his mother's passing, the king had to deal with a "steady stream of cringe-making scandals" just weeks into his new reign, the outlet noted.

First, they had to face the unending drama against Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, especially after their Netflix docuseries was released this month. According to Andersen, the new monarch deals with the "Sussexes' ongoing barrage of headline-making accusations".

Prince Harry made several allegations against the palace and his father. He claimed that they were willing to lie to protect his brother, Prince William, but not tell the truth to protect them.

He also claimed that the Prince of Wales screamed at him during a meeting about Megxit, and King Charles said statements that were not true while his grandmother, Queen Elizabeth, just watched and didn't do anything.

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However, Prince Harry said that he understood his grandmother. He partly understood his brother, too.

"You have to understand that, from the family's perspective, especially from [the Queen's], there are ways of doing things — and her ultimate sort of mission goal or responsibility is the institution," he explained, Entertainment Tonight reported.

"People around her are telling her, 'By the way, that proposal or these two doing 'XYZ' is going to be seen as an attack on the institution,' then she's going to go on the advice she's given."

Prince Harry admitted that the issue created a division between him and his big brother, the heir to the throne because he felt that Prince William sided with the institution. However, he also acknowledged that it was probably because the Prince of Wales is the future leader of the monarchy.

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"Part of that I get. I understand, right? That's his inheritance," Prince Harry said of his older brother. "So to some extent, it's already ingrained in him that part of his responsibility is the survivability of the continuation of this institution."

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Despite the drama created by Harry & Meghan, the king is reportedly taking the high road. King Charles is reportedly still planning to invite the Sussexes to his coronation.

King Charles' leadership was once again questioned following Lady Susan Hussey's racist remarks to charity leader Ngozi Fulani at Buckingham Palace at the reception hosted by Queen Consort Camilla.

There is no doubt that the king is having a difficult time despite the holiday season.

Stay tuned for more news and updates about King Charles.

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