Prince Harry Making Self-Imposed Exile Permanent? Prince William's Brother Reportedly Shows How They Play 'Dirty Game'

Credit: Real Royalty/YouTube Screenshot

Credit: Real Royalty/YouTube Screenshot

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle accused the royal family of playing dirty. However, an American commentator said it was them who showed how to play dirty after they attacked Prince William, King Charles and the other members of the royal family in their Netflix documentary.

Prince Harry And Meghan Markle Are Unlikely To Mend Relationship With The Royal Family

This month, Netflix dropped the Sussexes six-part docuseries, Harry & Meghan, where they revisited the early stage of their romance and the various rumors about their relationship with the royal family. It was confirmed that there's a rift between the Sussexes and the royals.

"Prince Harry's self-imposed exile is permanent. He and Meghan have set up an alternative Royal Court in California, attended by the cream of Hollywood celebrity: Oprah Winfrey, Beyonce, Serena Williams and Tyler Perry, the godfather to their daughter," American commentator Michael Cole wrote on Express.

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"The final three episodes. of Harry and Meghan guarantees that the divide between the Duke and Duchess of Sussex and the Royal Family will remain wider than the atlantic Ocean."

He added that each episode was "excruciating" with "slick self-advertisement, selling 'Brand Sussex.'" He found only one authentic moment, referring to the scene when Prince Harry received a text from Prince William following their interview with Oprah Winfrey.

"Harry doesn't read out William's text but appears genuinely overcome by emotion, maybe remorse," Cole added. "His wife, meanwhile, is still recovering from the thrill of getting a supportive text from Beyonce. Wow! What an honour!"

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Prince Harry And Meghan Markle Accused Of Playing Dirty Game?

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex made several allegations against the royal family in the documentary. Prince Harry claimed that there was leaking of information to the press.

In one episode, he accused Prince William of screaming at him. He also alleged that King Charles conveyed untrue stories. And his grandmother, Queen Elizabeth, reportedly just watched and didn't do anything to defend him.

Cole noted that Prince Harry and Markle mentioned the bullying allegations against Markle that prompted three staffers to resign. However, they didn't answer the charge.

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They also used footage from Princess Diana's interview with Martin Bashir from the infamous Panorama interview, which was provocative, considering his big brother Prince William's call to never show the interview again.

"Equally bad, footage of Grenfell Tower in flames is used to make a contentious racial point; vile shroud-waving," Cole added.

"It is all utterly undignified, beneath the behaviour expected of a Prince. 'It's a dirty game,' says Harry. Yes. And now he's shown how it's played."

Do you agree that Prince Harry and Meghan Markle were playing dirty games?

Stay tuned for more news and updates about Prince Harry and Meghan Markle.

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