Star Wars Rebels' Freddie Prinze Jr and Taylor Gray Return for GEGG WARS Sequel Galaxy of Crime

It's been a while since we're heard from the cast of Star Wars Rebels but that doesn't mean that Freddie Prinze Jr. and Taylor Gray haven't been busy this whole time. The voice actors from the beloved animated series have reunited for the second part of the Star Wars Table Top RPG series GEGG WARS.

The new teaser for the GEGG WARS sequel Galaxy of Crime has just been dropped and it confirms that Prinze and Gray will be back in the game. Check it out below.

Prinze and Gray will be joined by Prinze's GEGGHEAD co-founder Clare Grant, Fungeons & Flagons' Maude Garrett and Fanboys director Kyle Newman. Jeremy Melloul will serve as Game Master in the sequel while the third GEGGHEAD co-founder Jon Lee Brody will direct.

Brody recently spoke to about Galaxy of Crime and what fans can expect from the GEGG WARS sequel.

"Much like how Star Wars created a universe with infinite stories, GEGGHEAD is looking to do the same with GEGG WARS, and Galaxy of Crime is one of those stories. The promo video was shot on location at the Scum and Villainy Cantina in Los Angeles. The tone I was going for was that our Game Master, Jeremy, is like Obi-Wan Kenobi arriving at the Cantina looking for passage to the Alderaan system. Only in this case, it's Jeremy looking for players for his RPG campaign," Brody said.

Ezra Bridger and Kanan Jarrus working together again? This sounds like an awesome show that Star Wars Rebels fans can totally enjoy.

Galaxy of Crime will be available on YouTube on December 4.

Related: Star Wars Rebels Voice Actor Goes On Epic Rant About Fans

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