Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker hasn't even premiered, yet the film has been dominating social media as of late with divisive early reactions to the film troubling the Star Wars fanbase. Star Wars trolls have invaded the internet, bombing Lucasfilm's promotional tweets for the film and pushing the "J.J. Abrams is Over Party" hashtag on Twitter.
Today, the trolls are taking the fight back to Star Wars: The Last Jedi. Fans have been reminded of the film by all of the negative reviews against The Rise of Skywalker, and it seems like some have been responding abrasively towards other sites that bring The Last Jedi up. Netflix just recently posted on Twitter a reminder that Rian Johnson's Star Wars movie is still available on their site and somehow, the fanbase doesn't really like the thought of The Last Jedi in the wake of The Rise of Skywalker.
"Star Wars: The Last Jedi is now on Netflix...if you know anyone who needs a quick refresher," the streaming site wrote on its post on Twitter.
It doesn't really seem like Netflix meant any sort of shade when writing its post. The site only seems to be interested in bringing in viewers by reminding Star Wars fans to check out and review The Last Jedi before heading to see The Rise of Skywalker.
Fans, however, don't seem too keen on the tweet, responding negatively to the post saying that they "wouldn't watch that *shit* even if they paid me," and that they would rather watch Star Wars: The Mandalorian instead.
It's all a mess really. We just hope that the social media circus doesn't really affect the box office outcome of The Rise of Skywalker this weekend.
Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker premieres December 20, 2019.
Read: Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga Box Set Drops Online
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