Star Trek: Alex Kurtzman Confirms Connection Between Picard and Discovery Season 3

There is little doubt that people are already looking forward to the first season of Star Trek: Picard as well as Star Trek: Discovery Season 3. But what are the chances that these two CBS All Access shows will actually be connected? Executive producer Alex Kurtzman may have just confirmed what Trekkies have been hoping for.

Kurtzman recently spoke to where he was asked whether the changes in the Federation featured in Picard will eventually lead to what happens in Discovery. Although he played coy, Kurtzman's response also suggested everything is connected.

"They are on the same timeline, but the Federation has changed much more radically in Discovery than it has on Picard, and you'll see that. I'm trying not to spoil anything for you," Kurtzman said.

Wait, so does this mean that the Federation has gone bad? Kurtzman was quick to point out that this isn't necessarily the case.

"There's obviously going to be a lot of debate about how we've portrayed the Federation," he said. "What we'll tell you is that the Federation is still the Federation. We're not trying to cast aspersions on them."

We're not sure what's going to be revealed in Picard just yet. Nevertheless, it sounds like everything will finally be confirmed once the Patrick Stewart series premieres next week.

Star Trek: Picard will debut on CBS All Access on January 23. Star Trek: Discovery Season 3 has not yet been given an official release date but is expected to premiere later this year.

Related: Star Trek: Picard's Patrick Stewart Reveals How TNG Characters will Return

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