Rian Johnson is Thankful for The Last Jedi Negative Comments

Credit: Lucasfilm

Credit: Lucasfilm

It's no secret that Star Wars fans are still divisive over The Last Jedi. And even after two years since its release, it's still the topic of various debates in the franchise. However, director Rian Johnson sees this backlash in a positive light.

Johnson recently appeared in Cinema Blend's Reel Blend podcast where he talked about his latest movie Knives Out. The director also talked about the upcoming film The Rise of Skywalker. At one point, Johnson was asked regarding some flack TLJ received. "In terms of bad stuff, I'll tell you it's interesting," the director said.

He added, being "exposed" to the hate has been "one of the really healthy things" for Johnson in the past couple of years. He claimed that before he made the Star Wars movie, he never received hate on the internet and that he would "go into panic" if he got even one negative tweet over the course of a year.

"I'd be like ‘Oh my god, someone out there doesn't like me. I need to fix this!'" Johnson admitted. However, he pointed out that he has been "really really thankful" for the backlash. Because he thinks it meant that his "sense of self-worth" was attached to having everyone liking him online, but eventually, "out of survival," he got to "disconnect from that."

He then went on about how the experience has given him a "realistic view" of social media, and how there's actually "a lot of great, genuine interaction" that is happening amidst all of that. "So overall, I found it made me adjust to social media where I'm seeing it and using it in a healthier way," Johnson added.

What do you think of Johnson's take on The Last Jedi backlash? Share your thoughts in the comments below!

Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker hits theaters on December 20.

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