Marvel Reportedly Turning Deadpool Into a PG-13 Character

It's been a while since Disney completed its acquisition of 21st Century Fox's film and television assets, however, Marvel has yet to announce its plans for the Deadpool film franchise. Now, there are rumors going around saying that Marvel Studios has canceled its original plans for Deadpool 3 opting for a PG-13 version of the film instead.

According to YouTube leaker and film reviewer Grace Randolph, Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige has canceled his plans for Deadpool 3. In her video, Randolph tries to go over what seems to be the Deadpool film franchise's status over at Marvel, noting how Deadpool comic book creator Rob Liefeld has been vocal about Feige not moving forward with Deadpool 3, or at least not right away.

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She also takes note of Ryan Reynold's silence on the matter, recalling how the Merc with a Mouth star had a meeting with Marvel Studios in the past and how he recently said that he doesn't really know what's going on with the franchise now.

Randolph says that with the Marvel Cinematic Universe being so full for Phase 4 of the franchise, it doesn't seem like a new Deadpool movie may see release until 2023. The leaker, however, does believe that Deadpool may appear in other Marvel movies and that Disney may turn the Merc with a Mouth into a PG-13 character and give him a PG-13 film.

While we do advise fans to take the report with a grain of salt, if this were to be proven true, then we're sure fans are going to revolt. Part of Deadpool's charm is his irreverent potty mouth – something that Reynolds has nailed to the fullest.

Marvel is set out to release Black Widow on November 6, 2020.

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