DuckTales Remastered Returns to Digital Stores After Initially Being Removed

Many Disney fans were disappointed when DuckTales Remastered was removed from digital stores everywhere as it limited the ways fans could purchase the game. Thankfully, it looks like cooler heads have prevailed as Disney and Capcom were able to settle a license dispute to make the game available again on digital stores. It's not yet known how long the game will stay available on digital stores so maybe get a physical copy just in case?

The news was revealed in the Capcom Unity Blog, stating that the game would be available for purchase on digital stores for the PS3, Xbox 360, Wii U, and Steam. Sadly, the only current-gen systems fans can play this on are the PC and Xbox One since it's backward-compatible with Microsoft's console. Maybe they'll release it on the PS4 and Switch later on but we aren't getting our hopes up.

An enhanced remaster of the NES DuckTales game, DuckTales Remastered has a lot of great improvements over the original, including recorded dialogue from the cartoon's voice actors. It also has some gorgeous 2D graphics and wouldn't look out of place on a PS4 or Nintendo Switch. Please port it over to these gaming systems Capcom.

If you still have a PS3, Xbox 360, or a Wii U, definitely check out DuckTales Remastered if you haven't already. The digital version is $14.99 but I'd probably splurge on a physical edition.

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