While anime-only viewers have been waiting for the return of the Dragon Ball Super anime series, Akira Toriyama's shonen story continues in his popular manga series, and the Granolah the Survivor Arc, is getting more interesting as the intergalactic bounty hunter has just made a game-changing wish but at a detrimental cost.
Warning: Spoilers from Dragon Ball Super chapters 69 and 70 ahead.
In the recent manga chapters of Dragon Ball Super, Granolah used the Dragon Balls to wish to become the "strongest warrior in the universe". This was motivated by his drive for revenge on Freeza and the Saiyan race, and based on what happened in the latest chapter, it's likely that he will eventually face Goku and Vegeta. The pair of heroic Saiyan warriors are currently training with Beerus and Whis, with a new goal in mind. Granolah's new form was revealed last chapter, and the cost for making that wish come true is cutting his lifespan, so now he only has three years to live. Knowing that Granolah has a vendetta against the Saiyans, the Heeters, the group of notorious space criminals, plans to pit him against Goku and Vegeta.
Twitter user Todd Blankenship has shared new designs from Shueisha, giving us a look at Granolah, the Heeters, and other Dragon Ball characters featured in the Granolah the Survivor Arc. Check them out:
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Dragon Ball Super Chapter 71 will be released on April 20, 2021. You can check out more details about the upcoming chapter here.