Disney Changes Origins of Sith Rule of Two In Latest Star Wars Animation

In the latest installment of the Star Wars: Galaxy of Adventures, a kid-oriented series of animations released on YouTube by Disney and Lucasfilm, the Sith gets the spotlight.

The clip tells the story of the Darksiders that use the Force for evil and greed. The video then showed many popular Sith Lords we know of--Darth Vader, Emperor Palpatine, Darth Maul, and Count Dooku. However, there was a notable omission.

While the Star Wars animation mentions the Sith rule of two, there was no reference to the individual that enacted it first--Darth Bane. Many fans were baffled that the character didn't get the credit in the clip. It's not like he isn't canon.

As far as Star Wars: The Clone Wars, Darth Bane is part of Disney's lore. He was even voiced by Luke Skywalker actor Mark Hamill on that show. In addition, canon mythology recognizes him as the originator of the Sith rule of two. Darth Bane even has his own page on the Star Wars databank confirming this. Here's the text:

An ancient and legendary Sith Lord, it was Darth Bane who saw that the Sith traditions of old were ultimately a dead end. All too often, squabbling Sith in their bid for power upended carefully laid plans. After the Sith were decimated by the Jedi Knights of a thousand years ago, Bane enacted the Sith rule of two: there would be only two active Sith at one time -- a Dark Lord to embody the power, and an apprentice to crave it. These Sith would operate in the shadows, favoring guile and conspiracy to bring down their opponents rather than brute force -- that is, until it was time to rise and subjugate the galaxy.

However, the Star Wars animation appears to chalk it up to "legend." As per the video, "Legend has it that ages ago, there were thousands of Sith, but they fought amongst each other to the point that there were only two left. And for generations, there will only be two Sith Lords at a time, a master an apprentice." Watch the clip below.

Fans immediately took notice of the glaring Darth Bane snub. Some believe it was just simplified to make it kid-friendly. The people behind it probably didn't want to pack too much overly specific information in a short video that a lot of movie fans and their young target audience might miss.

What do you think of this Star Wars animation?

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