What Bryan Singer Thinks About A Deadpool X-Men Crossover

While Deadpool is yet to be released in Japan, it's been months since the wall-breaking blockbuster hit had been released in the West. By now, pretty much everyone can see the potential of a Deadpool X-Men crossover, or even franchise.

Apparently though, as much as we had fun seeing Deadpool working with lesser known X-Men such as Colossus and Negasonic Teenage Warhead, where he gets into lots of pun banters with them, a crossover between Deadpool and the more popular X-Men wouldn't be an easy fit. Well, at least according to X-Men: Apocalypse director Bryan Singer.

During a London press event to promote X-Men: Apocalypse, Singer explained to Variety why he has hesitations with an X-MenDeadpool crossover. He said:

If you take a character as irreverent and meta as Deadpool and connect him to something as grounded and serious as X-Men, you have to do it carefully and gently. When you drop them all in together it can be a disaster. That has to be done delicately, but there's plenty of room to do it.

It actually makes sense. It would only be natural for Singer not to be totally open to the idea since the X-Men from the movies and Deadpool are complete opposites. The X-Men are too serious, while Deadpool is a joke – in a perfectly good way though.

That said, Singer did point out that "there's plenty of room to do it." It's also worth noting that opposites work out most of the time, so even if it may be difficult, there is a good chance for success provided the crossover is based on a good script. In the end, a great deal of creativity is needed for the crossover to work out.

Maybe if the Deadpool creative team collaborates with Singer, we could have a great crossover in our midst.

Deadpool is now available on DVD and Blu-ray, while X-Men: Apocalypse will hit theaters on May 27.

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