Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice R-Rated Cut End Credits Reveal Jena Malone’s True Role

Prior to the release of Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, rumors of Jena Malone playing Barbara Gordon/Batgirl have stubbornly dominated headlines. Supposedly adding credence to the rumor is the news that the 31-year-old actress will not be appearing in the film, but instead in the Ultimate Edition/R-rated version. In addition, a Warner Bros. Pictures entertainment survey was also released a week before the movie's release asking viewers which Batman v Superman characters they want to see in the future, and one of the choices were "Jena Malone as Barbara Gordon."

Apparently, the choice was misleading. We're finding that out now with a leaked cut of the Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice Ultimate Edition end credits.

Earlier this month, we saw a glimpse of Malone's character with the trailer for the Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice Ultimate Edition. Malone's quick scene showed her blonde-haired character talking to Amy Adams' Lois Lane. That alone would confirm she isn't Barbara Gordon, since the DC character was a natural brunette, with Batgirl hair being red and short.

While it could have been possible that they changed Barbara's hair for the movie, with the leaked end credits, we find out she just isn't Barbara. Her character's name is Jenet Klyburn.

Check out the end credits at the 1:10 mark:

Klyburn is in fact also a character in the comics, although not a major one. She's one of Metropolis' S.T.A.R. Labs' lead scientist and a supporting character in the '70s' Superman. It looks like they changed her look with Malone. The original wa a redhead, while Malone sports a blonde hairdo and glasses.

Well that's disappointing. I was really expecting Malone to be Barbara.

It looks like they hadn't really planned on showing Barbara in Batman v Superman, but she'll probably be included in the Batman solo film.

What do you think of Malone's role?

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice Ultimate Edition arrives on Digital HD on June 28 and on Blu-ray on July 19.

Watch: DC's Metahuman Thesis Explained in New ‘BvS 101' Video

Read: How Batman v Superman's Lex Luthor Could Really Be In Suicide Squad

Read: Cinematographer Larry Fong Takes Back Bold Statement About Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice R-Rated Cut

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