The Book of Boba Fett Makes Massive Change to Sequel Trilogy's Story

Warning: if you haven't seen the latest episode of The Book of Boba Fett, this article contains major spoilers so read at your own risk!

After seeing his game-changing cameo in The Mandalorian Season 2's epic finale, there's no longer any doubt that Luke Skywalker will be a central figure in the MandoVerse moving forward and the latest episode of The Book of Boba Fett pretty much solidified that. Chapter 6 is centered on Grogu trying to master the ways for the Force under Luke's tutelage and the said episode makes a stunning revelation that may change the way we see the entire sequel trilogy.

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Credit: Lucasfilm

If you may recall, The Rise of Skywalker revealed that Ben Solo aka Kylo Ren was Skywalker's first student in the Jedi Academy he established which obviously makes a ton of sense considering Ben is the son of Han Solo and Leia Organa, making him an obvious choice. Ultimately, Ben was lured to the dark side and with the help of the Knights of Ren, he killed all of Luke's Padawans in the institution.

Apparently, Ben wasn't actually Luke's first pupil as it was shockingly confirmed in the episode titled "From the Desert Comes a Stranger" that it was in fact Grogu who was the first student of the academy.

Also Read: The Book of Boba Fett Sees Historic Encounter Between Luke Skywalker and Ahsoka Tano

The real question is, why did the sequel trilogy name Ben Solo as the first student of the academy? According to some fan speculation, it's possible that Grogu never became an "official" student of the Jedi Academy because he chose to be with Din Djarin. During the final act of the episode, Luke asked the Child to choose between the Beskar armor Mando gave him or the green lightsaber previously wielded by Yoda.

The scene ended in typical cliffhanger fashion but the idea of Grogu turning his back on the Jedi way doesn't seem too farfetched given his evident attachment to Mando. I guess we'll just have to wait and see how everything plays out.

The Book of Boba Fett Chapter 6 is now streaming exclusively on Disney+.

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