Star Wars Actor Adam Driver Reveals Which Kylo Ren Props He Kept

Credit: Lucasfilm

Credit: Lucasfilm

Say what you will about Disney's Star Wars sequel trilogy but I think we can all agree that the Kylo Ren character was one of its saving graces — well, until the finale decided to screw him over and take away everything we liked about him. The trilogy may have received mixed reviews from the fandom but it can't be denied that it launched Adam Driver's career to the stratosphere.

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Credit: Lucasfilm

Now, despite the sequels not being able to meet expectations, Driver still relishes the fact that he was once part of a franchise as massive as Star Wars, and honestly, who wouldn't? In fact, the actor revealed that he managed to keep props from the films he made which of course no longer comes as a surprise.

What's actually surprising and hilarious at the same time is what he uses the props for. Take for instance his Kylo Ren helmet, Adam apparently kept two prop helmets which he still wears every chance he could. The reason for it will probably make you chuckle. Speaking with BBC Radio 1's Ali Plumb, Driver shared: "I have lots of stuff. I for sure have a helmet -- I have two helmets actually, a lightsaber, I have stuff from The Dead Don't Die. Every movie I try to take [something]."

He also hilariously shared that he still uses his Kylo Ren helmet just to mess with people. "I wear my helmets when I drive, just to confuse people."

Also Read: Star Wars Actor Adam Driver Shares Unwillingness to Do Comic-Con Again

As for Driver's future in the franchise, we all know the fate Ben Solo suffered in Episode IX but given the fact that Lucasfilm has been making the most out of Disney+, it wouldn't be a shocker if the production company decided to develop a project revolving around Kylo's origin story which was teased heavily during the sequel trilogy. Heck, I wouldn't even be surprised if Lucasfilm found a way to resurrect him from the dead just to make good with fans who were left scratching their heads with what happened to him during the finale.

Meanwhile, you can get your Star Wars fix, including the sequel trilogy over at Disney+.

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