Anime NYC 2021 Convention Gone Wrong: An Attendee is the 2nd Omicron Variant Case in the US

While the world is slowly getting back on its feet, another COVID variant puts a threat globally known as the Omicron and in a shocking turn of events, one of the attendees of the Anime NYC 2021 is confirmed to be the second case in the US. The convention released a statement and they are urging the other 53,000 fans who went to the event to get tested and monitor for symptoms.

In an official statement released by Anime NYC 2021, it has been confirmed by the Minnesota Department of Health that one out of the 53,000 attendees tested positive and is the second Omicron variant case in the US. The attendee felt the symptoms a day after the event which was held last November 19-21. The test came out positive on November 24 and the symptoms of the attendee had since been resolved.

The organizers of the event said that they are already coordinating with the New York City Health Department as the convention was held at the Javits Center and the authorities are already communicating with various state agencies to contact the participants such as the exhibitors, artists, and their partners.

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The attendees were sent an email or a call from the NYC Test and Trace Corps and other local health departments to determine if anyone else got infected as well. They are urging the other attended to get tested. The organizers showed gratitude to their partners in New York City for giving them the assistance they need in this kind of situation.

The event required the use of face masks and even vaccination to be able to participate in the said convention.

Considering that the event is a possible super spreader, New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio released a statement that they are aware of what ensued in the Anime NYC 2021 that an attendee from Minnesota traveled to the city for the event. He encouraged everyone who attended the event to get tested immediately and practice health protocols to avoid a community spread.

The mayor also urged New Yorkers to have the vaccine and continue the use of face masks to help the city in their fight against COVID-19.

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