Zack Snyder Squashes Alleged Bad Blood with James Gunn; Says He Might Appear at Snyder Con

Credit: WB

Credit: WB

Since James Gunn's appointment as co-CEO of the newly-established DC Studios along with producer Peter Safran, his sudden rise to power has been met with mixed reactions from the DC Universe fandom. While there are people who are genuinely thrilled about the franchise being under new leadership, others are still trying to stir controversy and paint Gunn as the bad guy.

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For months, fans have been trying to pit him and Zack Snyder against one another but Gunn has gone on record to say that there's zero animosity between him and Snyder. In fact, the Peacemaker director previously stated that Snyder has been nothing but supportive of DC Studios' creative vision.

Now, Snyder is also coming forward to finally put an end to all the speculation surrounding his alleged beef with Gunn. During a recent stream, the Justice League director confirmed that he and James are still friends despite what others would like you to think. He also teased Gunn's potential involvement in the upcoming Snyder Con happening on April 28, 29, and 30.

Snyder said: "He might [appear at the Snyder Con]. You know, James is like... Look, James is a buddy, so... I mean, James wrote Dawn of the Dead, I don't know if you're aware of that."

Also Read: DC Studios Accused of Sabotaging Zack Snyder's DC Tease with Superman: Legacy Announcement

Hopefully, Snyder's latest statement will finally put an end to all the malicious hearsay surrounding his friendship with Gunn. Just because he wants to start fresh with the revamped DCU, it already means that he's trying to sabotage Zack's body of work. Now, whether this leaves the door open for a possible DC collaboration in the near future remains to be seen but we remain hopeful.

Meanwhile, James Gunn's Superman: Legacy is currently eying a July 11, 2025 release.

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