The Batman International Trailer Teases The Riddler's True Intentions

A new trailer for The Batman has just been dropped and although it features mostly the same footage from the previous one, this one also has something new to offer. Interestingly, the Japanese trailer suggests a secret connection between Bruce Wayne and The Riddler. In addition to that, the villain's true intentions may have finally been revealed.

The international trailer for The Batman opens with The Riddler inviting the Caped Crusader to play a game. "What's black and blue and dead all over?" he asks. The question is followed by a strange collage of photos that show a young Bruce with his parents. In the collage, another boy is circled as well and the words, "If only I knew then .... what I know now."

That's not the only new strange thing happening in the trailer. The Riddler also claims that he will "unmask the truth about this city." By the end of the trailer, The Batman arrives as the Riddler declares, "I've been trying to reach you, Bruce Wayne."

So what does it all mean? Did the Riddler, then Edward Nashton, know that Bruce would grow up to be a crime fighter? What secrets does he know about Bruce? And why is he going after Gotham's elite? Hopefully, the truth will be revealed next year.

The Riddler is not the only villain who will be appearing in The Batman. It has also been confirmed that Penguin, Carmine Falcone, and Catwoman will all show up in the film. But are any of these characters a possible ally? We'll have to wait until March to find out.

The Batman is directed by Matt Reeves and stars Robert Pattinson, Zoë Kravitz, Paul Dano, Jeffrey Wright, John Turturro, Peter Sarsgaard, Andy Serkis, and Colin Farrell. The film will premiere on March 4, 2022.

Related: The Batman Reportedly Testing 2 Theatrical Cuts Featuring Mysterious Character

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