The Batman: Barry Keoghan Breaks Silence on [SPOILERS] Role

If there's one thing in The Batman that fans can't stop talking about, it would be the mysterious inmate who befriends Edward Nashton in Arkham Asylum. That inmate was played by Barry Keoghan and director Matt Reeves has already confirmed the character's identity. Now, the Eternals star has finally broken his silence and addressed his awesome cameo in the DC flick!

In The Batman, the incarcerated Riddler comes across a strange inmate who shares an interest with Nashton. The scene concludes with the man laughing maniacally and fans immediately realized who the character is.

So it's now safe for Barry Keoghan to talk about his involvement in The Batman (he previously denied being in the film). With that in mind, the Dunkirk star told Esquire Middle East that he enjoyed working with director Matt Reeves.

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"He’s brilliant, man. And Matt Reeves and Dylan Clark especially and together were amazing to me– really, really amazing to me. And, you know, getting to be part of the Batman universe is [a huge deal for me]. I’m a fanboy of these movies, and especially the Batman universe. So to be in that world, I’m still pinching myself," Keoghan said. He then pointed out what Reeves had in common with Eternals director Chloe Zhao.

"He’s a filmmaker I hugely admire as well. And to get to walk alongside him and see how he works, and seeing much like Chloe Zhao, how comfortable he makes you on set, and he gives you the time you need and what you want. I’m in such a blessed position," Keoghan said.

He continued by praising The Batman co-star Paul Dano with whom he shared his small but memorable scene.

"Paul is–I’m a huge, huge fan of Paul. He’s such a good dude as well. I’ve watched all of his movies, like Prisoners and stuff like that. People say that we’re kind of alike as well, and I’m like, are we?" Keoghan said.

It's great to know that Keoghan had a great time working on The Batman and we're hoping that there will be more of his character in the future.

The Batman is now screening in theaters worldwide.

Related: The Batman Director Teases Barry Keoghan [SPOILERS] Return in Sequel

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