Someone Used Math To Reveal How Big the Star Wars Universe Really Is

There are originally thousands of characters in the Star Wars universe. However, when Disney acquired Lucasfilm, the company announced the complete deletion of several established universe.

No one had any idea exactly how much would be cut out, but thanks to the bright and diligent minds of EPFL researchers, we are given an idea of how vast the Star Wars universe really is, and how much narrative is lost forever.

The researchers reportedly utilized a new computer program that measured – get this – “20,000 characters spread among 640 communities over a period of 36,000 years.”

PhD student and project lead Kirell Benzi said that of the 20,000 characters in the Star Wars universe, all of which are spread in 640 different communities and on 294 planets. 80% of the galaxy is human. 7,500 played important roles. There are also 1,367 Jedi and 724 Sith.

Check out the measurement imagery below:

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Meanwhile, below is a Star Wars character graph with each color representing an era. Black ones represent missing values. Red is for the Rise of the Empire, blue is for the era of Rebellion, and green represent both eras.

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It’s quite upsetting that so much characters were lost, with no chance of getting their stories told. That’s a ton of history untold. I hope Disney will reconsider working with other characters in the expanded universe. Considering the fact that the company is planning on aninfinite Star Wars franchise, I think they have plenty of times on their hands.

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