Wonder Woman’s Doctor Poison Detailed

Though there's been a lot of excitement building up for the DC Expanded Universe's upcoming Wonder Woman solo, little has been known about the film's villains. Ares the God of War who has been revealed to play a major role in the film and the circumstances surrounding him still remain a mystery. Though Elena Anaya's Wonder Woman villain was recently confirmed as the classic DC Comics antagonist, Doctor Poison, fans still know little about her role in the film.

Thankfully, it seems like new information for Doctor Poison has made its way online. Also known as DC's Princess Maru, the toxin specialist was featured in footage presented to the press in London last week (via CBR) and in it journalists got to see the villain working as General Ludendorff's (Danny Huston) chief scientist who helps create a serum to produce super strength.

During the presentation, Wonder Woman director Patty Jenkins also discusses the importance of Maru and the value of a female villain.

"It was important that it not be the evil done by any gender or any person," Jenkins told reporters. "It was about damage and darkness, and what creates evil. In her case, she's an interesting character, because we don't get super-into her backstory, but we know her backstory, which is, she's a woman who has had all kind of damage in her life, and now she delights — and I've known people like this — in bringing that to other people's lives. ‘Oh, now you see what I know. You can't take it.' There is that way of being a damaged and dark person, where you're waiting for other people to face that wrath, too."

"She's a character who's focused in on developing all kinds of toxic weapons and tools," Jenkins explained further. "I liked that they have two separate goals, but together they have a very bad intention, which is how I think real villains work."

Well, that's one villain down. If only Jenkins would talk about Ares. But you know what they say, save the best for last. The Wonder Woman team is probably keeping him under covers to avoid spoiling a large aspect of the film.

Wonder Woman premieres on June 2.

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