Following the end of the Naruto: Shippuden anime last month, Studio Pierrot is about to revive the franchise with a new anime series that made its debut on April 5. Boruto: Naruto Next Generations will see Naruto's eldest son and the new generation of ninjas rise up after the Fourth Great Ninja War. Some of the legacy characters are also set to appear, and you'd recognize who their parents are when you see the new kids.
For the U.S. audience, there are a couple of legal ways you can watch the anime show: via Hulu or Crunchy Roll.
For both streaming service, the anime made its debut on April 5, Wednesday, so you can watch it now.
The village of Konoha has managed to change, modernized next to an era of peace. Raising high constructions, large computer monitors of transmission of images (televisions last generation), divisions and divisions (streets) connected to run (to mobilize) electric cars, The way to live in the ninja era has changed ...
Related: Boruto: Naruto Next Generations Episode 1 Synopsis & New Art Arrive
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