Where to Watch and Stream Ne Zha Free Online

Ne Zha poster
Ne Zha
Cast: Lü YantingJosephHan MoChen HaoLü Qi
Genres: AnimationFantasyAdventure
Director: Yang Yu
Release Date: Jul 26, 2019
Rating:8 / 10
The Primus extracts a Mixed Yuan Bead into a Spirit Seed and a Demon Pill. The Spirit Seed can be reincarnated as a human to help King Zhou establish a new dynasty, whereas the Demon Pill will create a devil threatening humanity. Ne Zha is the one who is destined to be the hero, but instead he becomes a devil incarnate, because the Spirit Seed and a Demon Pill are switched.

How to watch Ne Zha

Ne Zha is not available to stream now in US.

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Frequently Asked Questions about Ne Zha:

When was Ne Zha released?

The original release date of Ne Zha was on 2019-07-26.

What was the budget for Ne Zha?

Ne Zha had a budget of 20 million USD.

How much did Ne Zha earn at the US box office?

Ne Zha grossed 742.5 million USD at the US box office.

How long is Ne Zha?

Ne Zha is 110 minutes long.

What is the original title of Ne Zha?

The original title of Ne Zha is "哪吒之魔童降世".

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