Where to Watch and Stream Heidi, Girl of the Alps Free Online

Heidi, Girl of the Alps poster
Heidi, Girl of the Alps
Genres: AnimationFamilyAdventure
Director: Isao Takahata
Release Date: Mar 17, 1979
Heidi (1974) Japanese anime series by Zuiyo Eizo. It was directed by Isao Takahata, has been dubbed into many languages. The TV series was directed also in Italy, has been distributed in 1978. After divided also in three feature films, Heidi a scuola (1977), Heidi in città (1978), Heidi torna tra i monti (1979), produced by Beta Film and Riccardo Billi and distributed by Sampaolo Film. The third feature, Heidi torna tra i monti, summarizes the latest episodes of the television series. Heidi finally back from his grandfather, but continues to maintain the friendship at a distance with Clara. Which, precisely during a visit to the girl initially hampered by Mrs. Rottenmeier, on this occasion will resume the use of his legs.

How to watch Heidi, Girl of the Alps

Heidi, Girl of the Alps is not available to stream now in US.

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Frequently Asked Questions about Heidi, Girl of the Alps:

When was Heidi, Girl of the Alps released?

The original release date of Heidi, Girl of the Alps was on 1979-03-17.

How long is Heidi, Girl of the Alps?

Heidi, Girl of the Alps is 107 minutes long.

What is the original title of Heidi, Girl of the Alps?

The original title of Heidi, Girl of the Alps is "アルプスの少女ハイジ".

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