Where to Watch and Stream Child's Pose Free Online

Child's Pose poster
Child's Pose
Cast: Vlad IvanovLuminița GheorghiuBogdan DumitracheFlorin ZamfirescuMimi Brănescu
Genres: Drama
Director: Călin Peter Netzer
Release Date: Mar 08, 2013
Child's Pose is a contemporary drama focusing on the relationship between a mother and her 32-year-old son. After the accidental killing of a boy in a car crash, the mother tries to prevent her son being charged for the death, and she refuses to accept that her son is a grown-up man.

How to watch Child's Pose

Child's Pose is not available to stream now in US.

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Frequently Asked Questions about Child's Pose:

When was Child's Pose released?

The original release date of Child's Pose was on 2013-03-08.

What was the budget for Child's Pose?

Child's Pose had a budget of 1.1 million USD.

How long is Child's Pose?

Child's Pose is 104 minutes long.

What is the original title of Child's Pose?

The original title of Child's Pose is "Poziţia copilului".

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