Stranger Things Star Talks Hopper’s “Hero Fantasy” And First Episode of Season 2

David Harbour's Stranger Things character Police Chief Jim Hopper had a pretty rough time when the Upside Down began to wreck havoc and now it looks like things are going to get even worse when the popular Netflix fantasy series returns with its second season this year.

Speaking during a question and answer portion on Mogul, Harbour revealed how his character is continually struggling with "hero fantasy" in the second season of the series.

"Hop starts season 2 in a completely different place than season 1. He saved Will and has found a renewed interest in life. So his arc for season 2 in my mind becomes more about butting up against the places where his hero fantasy can't take him. The places where that hero complex may force him to make the wrong decisions. It's a satisfying, completely different journey in season 2."

Harbour also reveals that he's seen the first episode of the new season, praising is various layers.

"I've seen a lot of episode 1 and have seen a lot of the shooting at the monitor, and I can honestly say that I am so excited for you all to see this season. It's so fun and dark and complex. The characters all get to deepen and develop and we get to take on even greater demons (inner and outer). Thanks for loving Hop, I love him too."

It's good to hear that Hopper has found a zest for living – back when we were first introduced to the character, the Police Chief seemed a tad bit depressive and melancholic after losing his daughter and then his wife to a crumbling marriage. It'll be interesting to see what kind of man we'll get in season 2 of Stranger Things.

Stranger Things season 2 premieres this fall.

Read: Stranger Things' Barb Teases ‘Justice' For Season 2

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