Stephen Byrnes’ Animation Imagines How Batman and Superman’s Fight Would Really Go Down

It's been almost a year since Warner Bros. released the controversial and highly divisive DC superhero smashdown movie Batman vs. Superman, however it seems like fans and critics still have a lot to say about the movie, one of which includes artist Stephen Byrne.

Byrne has worked on a lot of pop culture projects, creating an animated short based on Firefly and releasing his very own follow-up comic for Star Wars: The Force Awakens. Now, Byrne is back and this time he has an animation featuring his take on how an actual fight between Batman and Superman would go down in real life.

Check it out down here:

While the fight retains its dark tone, the fight between DC's Caped Crusader and The Man of Steel last for a good thirty seconds as Superman simply zaps Batman away with his laser eyes. While not as overly dramatic as Batman vs. Superman, Byrne's short gives fans a humorous and realistic view on what might happen if Batman and Superman were to get serious.

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