Square Enix is Exploring Options to Showcase Their Games After E3 Cancellation

E3 2020 getting canceled was a heart breaker for many, not just gamers but game developers who were hoping to meet with big studios and companies that wanted to show off their newest titles. Square Enix was one of those companies since they have a number of new titles to show off, along with possible updates to titles that have already been announced. Yeah, Final Fantasy VII Remake looks great but when are we getting Bravely Default II?

On Twitter, Square Enix announced that they have a strong lineup of games they plan on showing and will look for other options to showcase them. This probably means some kind of online event, whether it be from themselves on YouTube or a collaboration with a big gaming website. With sites like The Escapist teasing a showcase for indie games, we wouldn't be surprised if this were the case, though this is only mindless speculation.

It will be interesting to see what Square Enix has planned since they actually mention having next-gen titles. This could be anything from a new IP to the continuation of Final Fantasy VII Remake but we won't find out until the game company actually releases something. We're sure they have something up their sleeve and we hope we'll live to see it.

Final Fantasy VII Remake comes to the PS4 on April 10.

Read: Final Fantasy VII Remake Won't be Delayed Anymore as the Game Has Gone Gold

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