Sonic the Hedgehog: Jim Carrey's Robotnik is a 'Loveless Genius'

Jim Carrey's Dr. Robotnik may be a cartoonish villain in a kids' movie, but Carrey himself has some very deep insight on the character that you would think he was describing a character in a long-running drama series. Just in, he has a new interview with Gamespot Universe, and he delves into the characterization of his version of Robotnik for the Sonic the Hedgehog film.

"We didn't have a lot to go on in the game as far as his personality goes. He's an evil genius, that's about all I had… For me, Robotnik had to be a loveless child. He had to be the neglected one, the one that had been abandoned by the world and needed to show the world his worth. Yet it's based on a belief in himself that he's worthless… so, ‘Genius' and ‘Worthlessness' is a really fun combination."

Seeing that a lot of kids' shows have been showing some underlying maturity like Steven Universe and Gravity Falls, I'm wondering if they are planning to pull off the same thing when it comes to Sonic the Hedgehog. There's a new standard when it comes to children's properties, and if Pixar can pull that off, then what are the odds that Sonic the Hedgehog could as well.

Then again, I'm curious if Carrey is just playing some kind of personal prank on the audience, trying to say that his Robotnik is layered with character, despite being one-dimensional in the film. Either way, I'm a big fan, and I'm happy to see him back to his kooky antics.

Catch Sonic the Hedgehog when it comes out Feb. 14.

Read Also: Sonic the Hedgehog Director was Worried About Fan Reaction to Redesign

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