Rogue One's Jyn Erso Could Have Been a Sergeant

Rogue One had been one of the more ingenious presentations of a tale of heroic individuals who gave up their lives for the greater good. It was also one of the more recent Disney movies that allowed every one of its main cast to die, picked off one by one in fact until we got that beach ending scene.

And while we've already known that the production also had a happier ending in mind, it seems that this was more fleshed out than just wishful thinking that Jyn and Cassian got out of that beach scot-free. In an interview with Entertainment Weekly, screenwriter Gary Whitta revealed what other interesting details apart from the ending would have come to pass if they chose that alternate route.

For starters, Jyn won't be a criminal that was unwittingly looped into a spy/retrieval mission. She would have actually been enlisted as Rebel soldier with the rank of sergeant.

"In fact, some of the toys that are sold still say Sgt. Jyn Erso. That's who she was, she was a sergeant in the Rebel Alliance. By the time we changed that, some of the toys were already in production. I have a Sgt. Jyn Erso on my desk, even though she's not a sergeant in the film."

What didn't change was that she still was going to command a strike force with a character similar to Cassian--though it's likely that it wouldn't have been him since the character was even called differently back then. Also, K-2SO would have also been there, so it's nice to see how consistently thought-out Alan Tudyk's Rogue One character was.

More importantly, however, in the happy ending route, we would have missed out on a lot more other colorful characters. That's because this version wouldn't have had the duo Chirrut Imwe and Baze Malbus, or even Bodhi Rock. Interestingly enough, even though the main duo Jyn and proto-Cassian did survive, others would have died, including yes, K-2SO. Shame.

Well, I would say that the way Rogue One ended in cinemas is still the best ending there is. The acquisition of the plans for the Death Star and even the title of A New Hope takes on a more poignant stand knowing the sacrifice that the entire Rogue One crew gave.

Rogue One will be out on digital this month, with Blu-ray coming in April.

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