Power Rangers, Beauty & the Beast are Content People are ‘Hungry’ For

The timing couldn't be more perfect. Just days from each other, the announcement of a more grounded approach to Power Rangers by introducing an openly gay superhero in the form of Trini a.k.a. the Yellow Ranger followed the much-debated issue of Josh Gad's character in Beauty & the Beast, LeFou, being gay.

While representation has finally started to take off not just in cinemas but everywhere else, this has become even more impressive and well thought-out. And according to GLAAD president and CEO Sarah Kate Allis, this is partly thanks to the fact that the two are major studio films.

"They are small inclusions. It appears that they are testing the waters and it is a step absolutely in the right direction. This is not the end game. We want to see better and more inclusion than we are seeing now. we have to start somewhere and this is a good place to start."

The good thing about this is that, even though there have been protests and unsure reception, the two films have been able to address the situation. The other reason for this success, Ellis said, would be that the majority of the viewers wanted the content anyway.

"They are hungry for this content. That's kind of the public outcry saying ‘We are ready for this.'"

For Ellis, integration of more groups isn't a far-off dream, but rather an ideal that cinema is slowly progressing towards.

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