Pacific Rim: Uprising Begins China Shoot With Traditional Ceremony

Pacific Rim: Uprising, the sequel to Guillermo del Toro's 2013 monsters vs. robots film, is currently in produciton, and now it looks like the cast and crew of the film received a warm welcome from China.

John Boyega, who plays the son of Idris Elba's Stacker Pentacost in the film, took it to Twitter to share a photo of him participating in a traditional 'big luck' Chinese ceremony. Boyega said that the production started shooting in China earlier today, and they did the ceremony "to ensure successful filming".

The traditional ceremony usually involved lighting incense while praying in the direction of each of the four cardinal directions. In the photo, Boyega and a crew member can be seen doing the ceremony.

Pacific Rim: Uprising is set to release in theaters on February 23, 2018.

Related:John Boyega Posts New Set Photo for Pacific Rim: Uprising

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