Fresh after the honest trailer for Horizon Zero Dawn, Smosh Games has now released a trailer for what potentially could be Game of the Year 2017 — The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild.
“Discover a Zelda game unlike any you’ve played before, as Nintendo takes oen of its most formulaic franchises and throws out half of the formula; tossing out linear gameplay, most of the dungeons, and the traditional seven-hour tutorial.”
A lot of good buzz has been surrounding Breath of the Wild since its release, and it was definitely the best launch game that Nintendo could come up with for the Nintendo Switch.
With 30 years under its belt, The Legend of Zelda franchise finally gets a more grown-up game that’s befitting the fanboys who played the originals when they were still kids. Hopefully this opens up doors to a lot more Zelda games in the future — who are we kidding? After 30 years and a successful game just released, Nintendo is going to keep the Zelda train chugging forever.
See Also: The Legend Of Zelda: Breath Of The Wild Has Lead To A Decrease In Porn Traffic
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