Next Game of Thrones Book May Take Longer Due to GRRM’s New Project

If Game of Thrones fans had one wish for author George R.R. Martin, it would be for him to finally release the long-overdue book.

But this seems to be at the latter part of Martin's list in the meantime. The Albuquerque Journal reported that Martin has just started a new film project in Santa Fe. This is Stagecoach, a non-profit office taking up 30,000 square feet in the area and targeting major and indie film productions and individuals.

Mayor Javier Gonzales has reportedly announced the existence of Stagecoach Foundation and its benefits to Santa Fe's film economy.

"What this means for the city specifically is more film infrastructure… as a foundation and a non-profit, his [Martin's] vision is to make this facility accessible and affordable."

The goal is to provide not only a space for creative individuals to tap into their reserves and create original project, but also bring productions to the town. The office is also expected to be used as a headquarters for the film crew, with editing and other film necessities and functions provided for.

According to Martin, Stagecoach is supposedly his dream of helping people get more jobs realized. It's also a channel for them to help young people tap into the entertainment industry and get more training by way of mentorship and education.

Granted, this move is very generous, and the effect on the economy of Santa Fe as a whole is a good one. However, it's easy to see these endeavors as distractions, particularly in the case of GRRM.

If anything, it could easily spell years of drought for Game of Thrones updates. Winter may never come for his novels.

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