New Amonkhet Magic: The Gathering Cards Leaked

Following the first possible Magic: The Gathering card spoiled from Amonkhet last week, it looks like some new cards cards from the set have found their way online, and they were shared by several Redditors. They include Oracle's Vault, Archfiend of Ifnir, Glorybringer, and the new starter deck Gideon and Liliana cards.

Check out the images below:

They all look legit and they'll probably be officially confirmed within a week or two since spoiler season is expected to start soon. So far, none of them look too powerful. Glorybringer's Exert mechanic looks intriguing. The Archfiend also seems to confirm the name of one of Amonkhet's gods. Oracle Vault is kind of like Aetherworks Marvel. It looks powerful enough once you trigger its second ability but are there other cards that can help accelerate the number of Brick counters? The new Planeswalkers look fair but they probably won't see competitve play in Standard. What do you think about this batch of leaked cards?

Amonkhet, the first set of the Amonkhet block, will be released on April 28. Prerelease events will take place on April 22-23, 2017.

Related: Magic: The Gathering's New Amonkhet Art Revealed

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