Morbius Set Photo Reveals Big Marvel NOW! Influence

Morbius is Sony's real test to see if they can make a successful superhero universe with characters from Spider-Man, aside from Spidey himself. While no trailers or official images have been released, fans have had a field day with the various set photos that have made their way on the internet. Fans of Joe Keatinge's eight-issue run on the character will be happy to see it referenced, albeit briefly, in the movie.

As fans can see, lead star Jared Leto is wearing a hoodie and casual clothes. This might seem like a cop-out to fans but Morbius actually adapted this look during the aforementioned run from that was a part of Marvel NOW. This clearly won't be his final look and many of us are expecting a more classic look from the Spider-Man comics we know and love.

Set in the same universe as Venom, Morbius will likely have the title character involved in an accident that leads to him becoming a vampire-like creature. Not a complete vampire, he can eat garlic for some reason, but he will have tendencies to eat people or, at the least, suck their blood. Leto can make this work but let's hope that a competent writer is involved, otherwise, it'll blow away like a turd in the wind.

Morbius comes out on July 31, 2020.

Read: Morbius Set Photo Has a Huge Spider-Man Easter Egg, Is This The Next Sony-Marvel Movie?

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