Maul Voice Actor Reveals Former Sith Lord Still Has Untold Clone Wars Stories

Star Wars Rebels may have closed the book on Maul in last week's showdown with Obi-Wan Kenobi, however the discussion regarding one of the Star Wars franchises most well-liked characters continues to trickle.

As the DisneyXD Star Wars animated series moves on and prepares for its season 3 finale this weekend, Maul's voice actor, Sam Witwer decides offer fans more details about Maul's development as they cool down from the dramatic Twin Suns episode last week.

Speaking with Mike Pilot on the Full of Sith Podcast, Witwer reveals that Maul actually has a lot of stories from the Clone Wars that still hasn't been explored.

Sam Witwer: "What was so surprising about what George [Lucas] brought to the table [in The Clone Wars] was that he just kept not killing this guy. And then, and then I get a call from Dave Filoni saying ā€˜Hey, um, Maul is going to survive The Clone Wars' what? Are you kidding me? I don't get it. But then we never got to do the episodes that show him escape the fate of the Clone Wars."

Mike Pilot: "Now, those were the comics that eventually- right?"

Sam Witwer: "Well, that was Son of Dathomir, yes, but then there was more beyond that, that uh, that I didn't learn about until we started working on Rebels, then Dave [Filoni] sat me and Ashley [Eckstein] down and briefed us on what happened at the end of The Clone Wars both to her character [Ahsoka Tano] and to my character and how we metā€¦"

While Rebels may have ended Maul's life, it's hard to deny the popularity of the former Sith. Maul is still one of the characters that fans want to see the most in a bunch of Star Wars spin-off cameos and with untold Clone Wars adventures, it's possible that Disney and Lucasfilm could still bring the character back to the big screen.

Star Wars Rebels closes its third season with its hour-long finale this Saturday at 8:30 pm ET/PT on DisneyXD.

Read: Maul Voice Actor Promises "Unrestrained" Star Wars Rebels Season 3 Finale

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