Magic: The Gathering's New Amonkhet Art Revealed

Art by Chase Stone/ Wizards of the Coast

In addition to Amonkhet'spackaging reveals and the full-art basic lands, Wizards of the Coast also revealed a new batch of marvelous art for the upcoming Magic: The Gathering set. They feature new Egyptian-inspired characters (gods?) and the return of familiar Planeswalkers (Nissa, Gideon, and Liliana). Where's Jace? We haven't seen him featured in Amonkhet images so far, but it would be cool to see him battle Bolas. Check out the art from the upcoming set below:

Art by Chase Stone/ Image by Wizards of the Coast

Art by Chase Stone/ Image by Wizards of the Coast

Art by Chase Stone/ Image by Wizards of the Coast

Art by Chase Stone/ Image by Wizards of the Coast

Art by Howard Lyon/ Image by Wizards of the Coast

Art by Izzy/ Image by Wizards of the Coast

Art by Chris Rallis/ Image by Wizards of the Coast

So what do you think of these Amonkhet artworks? Are you fan of the set's designs so far? At least not all of them feature Nicol Bolas' horns like the full-art basic lands do.

Amonkhet, the first set of the Amonkhet block, will be released on April 28. Prerelease events will take place on April 22-23, 2017.

Read:One of John Avon's Classic Magic: The Gathering Land Artworks Featured in Limited-Edition Playmat

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