Jared Leto Takes Flight In New Morbius BTS Video

The highly anticipated Morbius film is finally in production and fans are seeing more hints at what will happen in the upcoming Sony film. For instance, it looks like Jared Leto's Michael Morbius will manage to fly out of jail.

A new behind-the-scenes video from the set of Morbius shows Leto being suspended in mid-air. However, it is his costume that has people talking. The video clearly shows the Academy Award winner wearing an orange prison uniform, which suggests that Michael will end up in jail in the film. Take a look at the video below.

So what does Leto's costume mean? There is a possibility that Michael could end up in jail for his bloodthirst. After all, a vampire needs to feed and Michael may have finally given in to his thirst, only to be caught. Nevertheless, it looks like the character will manage to escape prison and continue his quest for a cure for his condition.

Leto is not the only one who has been spotted on the film set. It was previously reported that Matt Smith has been photographed on the Morbius set although it is unclear if he was filming at the time. In addition to that, an awesome Kraven Easter egg has been seen nearby.

Morbius will also star Adria Arjona, who will play Martine Bancroft. The Good Omens actress has not yet been seen on set. Likewise, Leto's other co-stars Jared Harris and Tyrese Gibson have yet to show up.

The film is scheduled for release on July 31, 2020.

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